Saturday, February 28, 2009

Teaching and a trip

one class finished already
gathering my things already
2 professors came in to discuss with me
we were too engrossed
but in back of my head i wanted to go out of the room already
students started to bustle in
i realised this is my next class already
the professors left
i started to introduce myself to the class
there was a little noise
i told them if they started to get to my nerves in any way
if they are noisy like little kids
i will not say anything, but rather just leave the room
they should discipline theselves and each other if that were the case
one student on my right, was sitting on the side of the room opposite the windows
he raised his hand as if to ask a question
i called on him, taking note that i dont know any of their names yet
but i will as the session progresses and i see their exam results
he asked me if i could speak louder as he cannot understand what i was saying
i was tempted to ask the other students who sat farther away than him if they could hear
and give him an analysis of the distance, outside noise and wind direction (negligible)
that would show that he had a hearing problem, and nothing related to the level of my voice.
but i didnt

cut to a different scene
bus ride
Co-student Z on left 1 seat ahead of me
Boss M on left also in front of bus
me on right wiht no one beside me
group got off at a stop in melbourne
i am with 2 girlfriends
i am pushing a pram with a daughter of one of our male companions
the father was lagging in walking behind us, entrusting me with his daughter
steep climb
after walking some distance we see a huge stadium, and a dome that was magnificent against the sky
ah this is the venue of the conference we are attending
it is beautiful!
we stopped to take photos, the walk was still a steep part
i looked over to Maggi (that was the name of the little girl riding the pram) and told her to stay where she was
she smiled and i made sure her pram was sideways against gravity in the steep walk
i realised i forgot to bring my camera
i told this fact to my girlfriends
one of them i realise was N (college friend), who was using a camera phone
i said i hope i didnt lose the camera when i moved houses
i looked back to where Maggi should have been and found her gone.
Then from afar i saw her pink pram among the crowd, moving downhill
I ran past the people and raced to where she was
I got to her, thankfully, and she was safe.
The father was nearby, he didnt know what happened and thanked me for caring for Maggi.
So I strayed away from them and started looking around at the stalls
there were a lot of thing-a-ma-jigs being sold here, I didn't notice earlier on our way up.
Then R (My friend C's brother; in my head it became clear that C was the other girlfriend i was with in this trip) came running to me
Maggi fell to the water!
There was a moat surrounding us, and I saw Tita B (R's mother) knee deep in the water on our left
She motioned to R to help her gather Maggi's stuff on her side, and to me to work on the right
I turned my back on them and saw toys and toy parts floating on the water surface
I didn't have to get in the water to reach them, so I knelt by it and started to pick them up
I saw a nearby box where they seemed to come from (there was a molded plastic in their likeness)
and i put them inside one at a time.
The toys looked familiar, they were the expensive kind of figures with accessories
the box had a price tag on it... 4,100
I was thinking in dollars so it shocked me
Later on someone told me no the price is about right, so I though maybe I was wrong
I started to walk back up again, this time bent on buying something so I didnt feel emptyhanded
Nothing interested me
I reached the top and decided to walk down again, this time looking at the shops on my left.
looking for something to buy
manipis na ring
chinese customer and owner of stand arguing
in Chinese

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